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2023 | He Calls His Own Sheep by Name

“He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out... He goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice.” John 10:3-4

Imagine waking up before the sunrise, putting on your shoes, and heading outside to open the gate for your goats, sheep and cows to graze. The animals where you live do not graze in a safe, green field, but out in a dry land where they have to search for edible grasses, and you have to remain alert for wild African animals. As a young boy, Hezron’s life was all about taking care of his father’s animals. This was all this young boy knew, and as far as he could see, this would be his entire life.

Staff of Hope was founded in 2001. Traditionally, Maasai boys would grow up tending their father’s animals and the girls would fetch water, cook, and maintain the house. In 2004, Staff of Hope began meeting with the Maasai elders and chiefs to encourage them to see the value of a good education for their children. By 2007, through many wonderful donations, Staff of Hope founded Oloile Secondary School on the border of Kenya and Tanzania.

It was at this point Hezron’s life intersected with Staff of Hope. Hezron’s father allowed this young man to go to school at Oloile. In addition to learning the foundations of math, science, and language, Hezron also attended the Christian club at the school being mentored by Christian teachers. After being one of the first to graduate from Oloile, Hezron experienced God’s call to go to Bible college.

Today, Hezron has returned home and is the pastor of a local church not far from Oloile Secondary School. He now pastors many in the community who have children that are currently attending Oloile school. From being a student, to a pastor, Hezron no longer shepherds goats, but a community of Christian believers, one of those includes Moses’ brother, Tyson, Director of Operations for all of Staff of Hope’s ministries in Kenya.

This is but one heartwarming story of the Christian impact that continues to go on in east Africa where Staff of Hope has been ministering since 2001.

For people to be in a place to hear the Gospel, the foundational needs of life need to be met. Just as we feel the effects of inflation here in the USA, it’s even more challenging to make ends meet in Kenya.

We are thankful for the faithful service of our teachers who guide the students at Oloile. Our students continue to maintain high grades and many of our graduates move on to receive a higher education degrees. We run our school in such a way that along with the education aspect we provide opportunities for growth in their Christian faith. We have Christian club and Bible studies for both the boys and girls. We also offer elective classes on the Bible and Christianity.

Staff of Hope continues to farm on our campus, allowing our students and teachers healthy options. Any vegetables grown that our school does not consume are sold in the market, helping our community while generating an income for the school.

Oloile Secondary has the largest computer lab in three counties. Our laptops enable us to teach these students from the rural areas much needed computer skills. We currently have 118 students.

Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift, to help our neighbors in East Africa to be more self-sufficient. Monetary contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. For your convenience we have enclosed a preaddressed envelope to mail in your donation. Please consider giving not only an annual gift but also making a recurring gift online. Please share this letter about Staff of Hope with your church, school, or business.

Please consider the impact your gift will make:

  • $5 Chickens to help families to be self-sustaining
  • $10 Planting vegetables at our school
  • $15 School supplies (science equipment, books, paper, pencils, etc.) 
  •  $40 Goat to help a family to be self-sustaining 
  •  $50 Sponsor a local Kenyan Pastor’s ministry/church 
  •  $75 Calf helping a family to be self-sustaining 
  •  $100 Teacher’s salary for a month 
  •  $150 Water pipes for the school 
  •  $200 Boarding a student at our school for one year 
  • $300 New Desks and tables at school $
  • 5,000 Upgrades for our water drill rig and support truck 
  •  $_______ General Donation (any amount where most needed) 


Please go to, “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. Thank you!

Together we are making an impact!


Staff of Hope Board of Directors


2022 | Rejoice in the Lord

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice... The Lord is near.” Philippians 4:4

Indeed, the Lord is near to all of us whether we are in America or Kenya. We can celebrate that He is with us and loves us always.

It continues to be a joy that Staff of Hope unites people in America with our brothers and sisters in Kenya. Jesus is our one true hope; therefore, we can always rejoice.

Going to church in Kenya is an amazing experience. Bold songs of hope and praise of who Jesus is, dancing to express thanksgiving, and sermons full of joy. Church in Kenya is a wonderful celebration that Jesus is Lord and Savior. It is obvious that when Christians gather on Sundays in Kenya, they come together living out what Paul wrote in the Bible: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4: 12-13).

We in the USA have seen an increase in our food prices, gas prices, and many other day-to-day items. The same has been true in Kenya. Imagine feeling the financial squeeze that we are dealing with and adding to it one of the worst droughts in a decade. Our Director of Operations in Kenya, Tyson, explained to us, “we have to spend more money to take care of ourselves, and we have to buy food for our livestock instead of just letting them graze because there is no grass with this drought.”

Thankfully, because of the Staff of Hope partners, we continue to keep the school running while paying all the teachers’ full salaries. We have been giving additional money every month to help buy food for people and livestock. We have also provided money needed to treat people for medical issues such as Covid and flu.

We are so proud of our teachers and students at Oloile Secondary School (the school Staff of Hope founded). Overcoming Covid, political tensions, and drought, our school continues to maintain very high grades and many of our graduates move on to receive a higher education degree past high school. We run our school in a way to provide opportunities for our students to grow in their Christian faith. We have Christian club, student men’s Bible study, and a student women’s Bible Study. We also offer elective classes on the Bible and Christianity.

Oloile Secondary, with 125 students currently enrolled, has the largest computer lab in three counties. Our laptops enable us to teach these students from the rural areas much needed computer skills as well as allowing them to research information they don’t haver in textbooks.

Staff of Hope continues to farm on our campus for our students and teachers to have a healthy diet. Any vegetables grown that our school does not consume are sold in the market to help the community while generating an income for our school.

Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift, to help our neighbors in east Africa to become more self-sufficient. Monetary contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. Please consider giving not only an annual gift but also making a recurring gift online. Please share this letter about Staff of Hope with your church, school, or business.

Please consider the impact your gift will make:

  • $5 Chickens to help families to be self-sustaining
  • $10 Planting vegetables at our school $15 School supplies (science equipment, books, paper, pencils, etc.)
  • $25 Food purchase for drought relief
  • $40 Goat to help a family to be self-sustaining $50 Sponsor a local Kenyan Pastor’s ministry/church
  • $75 Calf helping a family to be self-sustaining
  • $100 Teacher’s salary for a month
  • $150 Purchase a new water storage tank for the school
  • $200 Boarding a student at our school for a year
  • $400 New desks and tables at school
  • $5,000 Upgrades for our water drill rig
  • $_______ General Donation (any amount where most needed) 

Please go to, “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. Thank you! Together we are making an impact!


The Board of Directors


2021 | Yesterday, Today, and Forever

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:8

As we look ahead to 2022, it is reassuring to know that in a world full of uncertainty, we have a secure anchor. Even as COVID-19 continues to impact people throughout the world, Staff of Hope has been persistent in pointing to our true hope and anchor, Jesus Christ.

Looking around at the beauty of God’s creation can often serve as a reminder that He is the Creator, and He does have a plan. Being close to a giraffe, an elephant, or a million zebras easily points to the fact that God is BIG and in control.

For the past twenty years, Staff of Hope has been an anchor for communities along the Kenya / Tanzania boarder. Since our founding in 2001, together, we have:

  • Drilled deep water wells giving clean water to tens of thousands of people
  • Hosted pastor leadership seminars equipping hundreds of pastors
  • Built and handed over to the local community an orphanage and a medical clinic
  • Planted crops, grass, & hundreds of trees
  • Hosted mission trips
  • Handed out Bibles
  • Helped girls receive education and sanitary products
  • Given families hundreds of cows, goats, and chickens
  • Created many local jobs
  • Built and maintained Oloile Secondary School

Oloile Seconday School opened its doors again to students after a brief shut down due to the virus. We have continued to teach core classes on: English, Swahili, Math, Science, Computers, and more. We encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities such as: agriculture club, Christian club, dance, running, soccer, volleyball, baseball, and much more. Oloile is a boarding school for boys and girls and our current attendance is 145. We have a wonderful girl’s dorm under the care and guidance of Kristine. The boys now have two dorm buildings including one that opened in the winter of 2021.

The Bible says, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken” (Psalm 62:2). Over the past twenty years, we have provided clean water, education, and Christian leadership development to point to our true rock, Jesus.

As Staff of Hope looks ahead, we are excited to see how God will continue to work.

Please prayerfully consider making a financial gift, to help our neighbors in East Africa to be more self-sufficient. Monetary contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. Please consider giving not only an annual gift but also making a recurring gift online. Please share this letter about Staff of Hope with your church, school, or business.

Please consider the impact your gift will make:

$5 Chickens to help families to be self-sustaining

$10 Planting vegetables at our school

$15 School supplies (science equipment, books, paper, pencils, etc.)

$20 Food purchase for Covid-19 relief

$40 Goat to help a family to be self-sustaining

$50 Sponsor a local Kenyan Pastor’s ministry/church

$75 Calf helping a family to be self-sustaining

$100 Teacher’s salary for a month

$150 New water pipes to transport well water throughout the school

$250 Boarding a student at our school for a year

$500 New Desks and tables at school $5,000 Purchasing more land around our school for future growth

$_______ General Donation (any amount where most needed)

Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. Thank you! Together we are making an impact!


The Board of Directors

Staff of Hope 4711 Hope Valley Rd. #114, Durham, NC 27707 © Staff of Hope, Founded 2001